Da 01/05/2018 a 01/05/2021

The project consists in raising awareness among populations of Glazoué and Savalou but specifically the producers of 10 villages to change behavior and attitudes towards the management of their natural resources. It will lead producers to make a link between their practices and the situation of degradation of their lands so that they engage into activities of defense and restoration.

Thus, the project will build the capacities of the producers and will follow them in the application of the techniques and technologies in order to improve the quality of their cultivated lands and to increase their productivity.

Groves will be made and trees planted to regenerate vegetation cover in villages and fields. Finally, an effective local mechanism for the continuous supply of resilient seed producers will be put in place at the level of each municipality to ensure the continuous supply of resilient seed producers.

The expected duration of the project is 36 months. Producers and farmer organizations are the ultimate beneficiaries, technical services will provide support / advice, research institutions, seed services and private operators will facilitate seed producers' access.

The non-governmental organisation GERDIB is the technical and financial intermediary.

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