Recycled plastic tile as artificial mulch for vines and olive trees.

Weed control on crops on raws: the Symbio tile

Pollution of aquifers and surrounding areas increases the health risk to users and citizens, with the spread of toxic chemicals to humans and biological fauna.

Various studies have now shown the advantages and disadvantages of these techniques, but above all the harmful effect after about 4 years of use of inter-cep tools (pulling up of the vines), or setting up mulch asking to be renewed (cost).

Benefits of the Symbio tile: Sustainable use of recycled polypropylene mulch

  • 100% weed eradication
  • Attenuation of soil temperatures,
  • Maintaining soil moisture
  • Activation of soil biological life
  • Irrigation efficiency
  • Rainfall Piping
  • Erosion Control
  • Sustainable system
  • Decrease in runoff

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