CRA - Centre Régional AGRHYMET.

BP11011 Niamey

AGRHYMET is a specialized agency of the Permanent Inter-State Committee against Drought in the Sahel (CILSS) of thirteen countries are: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Chad, Ivory Coast, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Mali, Mauritania , Niger, Senegal and Togo.

AGRHYMET has two main objectives:

  • contribute to food security and increased agricultural production in member countries of CILSS and ECOWASO
  • help improve the management of natural resources of the Sahel and West Africa

by providing information and training of development agents and their partners in the fields of agro-ecology in the broadest sense (agro-climatology, hydrology, plant protection, ...). It is a tool oriented regional, specialized in science and technology applicable to the sectors of agricultural development, development of rural and natural resource management..

Over the years, the AGRHYMET has established itself as a regional center of excellence in:

  • Training of cadres of the Sahel and elsewhere
  • Agro-meteorological and hydrological monitoring at the regional level
  • Agricultural statistics and crop monitoring
  • Regional data banks
  • Management and dissemination of information on the monitoring of natural resources in the Sahel
  • Documentation: Agrometeorology, plant protection, environmental monitoring, desertification, natural resource management, etc..
  • Maintenance of meteorological instruments and electronic equipment
  • Strengthening cooperation interstate through the exchange of technology and methodology.

It is for this reason that executives of the Centre are increasingly approached by bilateral and multilateral agencies. (USAID, FAO, WHO, IRD, CIRAD, ...) and he is engaged, in connection with CILSS, in international meetings on food security, sustainable development, management of natural resources and the fight against desertification.

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