University of Montpellier.

163 rue Auguste Broussonnet 34090 Montpellier

Created in 2015 through the merger of University Montpellier 1 and University Montpellier 2, the University of Montpellier (UM) draws from the excellence and synergy of these two institutions.

It is reminiscent of the multi-disciplinary approach taken by the first university established in Montpellier in 1289 as a secular and international university.

For eight centuries, renowned scholars and scientists, from Rabelais and Curie, to Renaudot, Chaptal and Grothendieck, have been shaping this open university. It is deeply embedded into the life of the city and committed to the key challenges of its time.

Today, the University of Montpellier brings together an extensive community of knowledge, from science, technology, medicine and environmental sciences, to educational sciences, economics, management, law and political science. It is involved in a strategic global initiative aiming at making Montpellier one of the European capitals for Health and Agro-environment.

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