In the last ten years Cirad and AFD (French agency for development) have conducted experiments on agro-ecological transition with growers, researchers, professionals in development and decision makers in many Southern coutnries. They share their vision on the agro-ecology as a mean for Southern agricultures to adapt to global changes and analysis on conditions for a successful agro-ecological transition.
Quae was created in 2006 by four french research institutes : Cirad, Ifremer, Inra and Irstea. With more than 1 000 books, our publications aim at encouraging exchanges between scientists, passing on knowledge and know-how, decision analysis and public dialogue.
By developing thematics as diversified as agriculture and silviculture, environment, nutrition, sea, aquatic and aquacultural resources, life and earth sciences or humanities and social sciences, Quae has become a leading French scientific and technical publisher.
Quæ has been a digital publisher since 2008, with the implementation of an organized edition chain based on the XML format. Main of its titles are declined in the PDF and ePub formats. More than a hundred of ebooks are freely available in order to meet the French and European guidelines regarding the free distribution of research documents which are funded by the French public research or by European Union funds.