IRP VinAdapt.

Da 01/01/2019 a 31/12/2023

Global climate change affects regional climates and has implications for viticulture worldwide. Various studies have addressed the issue of the impact of climate change on viticulture in many wine-growing regions of the world, but few studies are devoted to the observation and simulation of climate and climate change at the vineyard level (local scale).

However, variations in vine growth and differences in grape/wine quality are often observed over short distances in a wine-growing region and are linked to local characteristics (slope, soil, seasonal climate, etc.). The high spatial variability of climate caused by local factors is often of the same order or even higher than the temperature increase simulated by the different IPCC scenarios. The winegrowers can adapt to this spatial variability of the climate, notably through their cultivation practices. In the context of climate change, prior knowledge of the spatial variability of climate at fine scales is an asset for defining possibilities for adaptation to the temporal evolution of climate in the medium to longer term.

This multidisciplinary and international project aims to produce fine-scale climate change adaptation scenarios by combining simulations of future climate (2031-2050 et 2081-2100) with vine growth models and viticultural practices. These scenarios will be constructed and applied in French and New Zealand wine-growing regions where the current and future impacts of climate change are expected to be rather different. This methodology, based on agroclimatic measurement and modelling and developed specifically in viticulture, aims to be applicable to different agrosystems (e. fruiticulture).

The main questions are: How can spatial variability of local climate be integrated into climate change scenarios? How can we propose methods to the wine industry for adapting to climate change at the vineyard level? To meet these objectives, the IRP-VinAdapt project consists of 3 Work packages: (1) Agroclimate measurements at the scale of experimental vineyards ; (2) Agroclimate modelling at the scale of vineyards in the context of climate change ; (3) Modelling environmental impacts on viticultural ecosystems: adaptation strategies for the wine industry.

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Questo campo è ancora vuoto
Questo campo è ancora vuoto
Questo campo è ancora vuoto

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