Energy saving in the heating of poultry farm buildings.

In poultry, heating is the first item of direct energy expenditure.

Unlike cattle farms, where heating is generally from electric power, a large proportion of poultry farms are heated with propane. In the purpose of reducing the use of fossil fuels on farms, several actions are already recognized as effective, documented and easily accessible on the market:

  •     The installation of air-to-air heat exchangers makes it possible to take some of the heat contained in the air extracted from the building to that entering, thus limiting losses. Thanks to such equipment we can expect a drop of 10% in the relative humidity of the air (without drying it up), as well as a noticeable economy of propane. The system does not replace the actual heating.
  •     Regarding the heating itself, the installation of recent technology equipment also allows significant savings. These include new generation radiants, or air heaters (indoor hot air guns hanging in the building)
  •     Finally building insulation is a key point in terms of fuel savings

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