
71 Avenue Edouard Bourlaux 33882 VILLENAVE D'ORNON

INVENIO is the experimentation station of the fruit and vegetable sector in New Aquitaine. Created by and for producers, Invenio's mission is to meet their needs and provide them with real competitive advantages by improving their production and the quality of their products.

INVENIO is part of the Propulso network, a regional network bringing together actors in the fruit and vegetable sector in New Aquitaine.

The center is structured by channels to meet the specific needs of each product. Cross-cutting themes, such as agro-ecology, plant health and machinery, are links between the products produced and are treated transversally. The work and actions undertaken by Invenio take into account the objectives of economic profitability of companies.

Each cluster is managed by a steering committee made up of professionals and the reference engineer of the cluster. The steering committee considers the needs expressed by professionals and technicians of the thematic working groups.

.INVENIO  carries out a network approach.

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Questo campo è ancora vuoto
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